2009年5月2日 星期六

My School life

Hi,everyone.First thank you for visiting my blog!Today I want to tell you about my school life.I am a form 1 student ,study at ECF Saint Too Canaan College.I love this school a lot.In my memory ,when I first came to this school ,I though that I will be very loney ,it is because I am the only student come from heep Woh Primary school .I'm very worried that i can not make friends ,or have a good result in this school.But now ,I study in this school for about 2/3 years ,and the final exam is coming too.I make a lot of good friends ,for instance,Eva ,Tiffany,Christine,Sammi,also Jack,Jeremy,Titus and Daniel,etc,etc.My class teachers,Miss Chan and Miss Wong are kind to us ,and also my English teacher,Chinese teacher too.I'm so happy study in this school and also study in 1 Faith too.In my first term exam ,I think I am not have a realy good result ,so i will be work more hard ,I set a target I can get the 2nd in form one.But when i in form 2,I hope that I can still stay with my 1Faith classmates in next year!
I stop here now.Next time I will talk about the activities in my school!Bye Bye
~There have a lot of Grammar mistakes~

2009年4月16日 星期四


This is that what I think!!!**Thank you Cindy and Sammi for provide This:




返學九個月 怨聲已不絕
晨早六點九 趕住著衫走
路口等小巴 車費又再加
爬到校門口 仲有幾層樓
望望班房內 竟然冇人在
聽到人示愛 遲到又要再
今日第一堂 學生已發狂
漏帶一本書 九族都要誅
空堂唱下歌 傾計都唔多
科學孖連擊 聽完都唔識
跟住中文堂 擦鞋仔最忙
最後英文科 變曬做睡魔

打鐘各自飛 就咁又一Day
返學為左乜 日日被糟質
返學等放學 放學飲可樂

2009年3月10日 星期二

Best Friend

Do you always play with your friend?Who is your best friend?I think everyone has there best friend,but what is the meaning of best friend?Best friend is mean a
person that you love to play with him/her most or you love most!I think is so diffcult to choose who be your best friend, because you have a lot of friends , but who is your best friend?How about me ,I think i can't find who is my best friend , because I have a lot of good friend .Finally ,I hope that everyone have a good relationship with their friends, it is very important to our life!

2009年2月2日 星期一

Why I am so WORST

Hi,every one! Do you thing you are worst?I can tell you ,yes I am .I think I am the worst people in my friend,family,classmates.Why?It is because I always let my family angry and nervous ,and I always let my classmate to help me ,and I not help do anything,I don't have spare time to do.now I always feel sorry to them,Eva ,Tiffany and Christine, SORRY! Please forgive me?I know I am lazy people,I will change this all thing!